Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that has been around for thousands of years. It is based on the belief that to be healthy, there must be a balance of yin and yang in the body. If an imbalance occurs, the normal flow of energy (qi) is disrupted and disease may occur. During an acupuncture session, practitioners use needles placed along the energy fields of the body (meridians) to re-balance the body's energies.
Acupuncture can't treat cancer itself; the therapy may help patients overcome cancer to related pain and fatigue. That's how acupuncture might benefit for people with cancer:
1) Relief of cancer pain
In research looking at pain control with acupuncture suggest that it may help with reducing the pain from cancer as well as from surgery. Though it usually does not replace pain medications, it may help reduce the amount of pain medications needed, and consequently some of the side effects of those pain medicines.
2) Reduced depression and anxiety
In research found that acupuncture may reduce of depression and anxiety in cancer patients.
3) Improved sleep
People with cancer who using acupuncture had an improvement in their quality of sleep.
4) Immune function
Acupuncture may also have positive influence for immune function in people with cancer.
5) Reducing radiation side effects
Acupuncture was found to be effective for radiation. In research that acupuncture may also relieve radiation induced anxiety and insomnia.
6) Indigestion
Difficulty with digestion is common for cancer patients. New research concludes that acupuncture is effective in the treatment of indigestion. Indigestion involves symptoms include the abnormal pain, bloating, nausea, belching and heartburn.
Cancer Acupuncture Treatment by Chinese master in KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia herbal and acupuncture treatment.
A good of acupuncture treatment come to see Chinese master at KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia herbal and acupuncture treatment. Chinese master is a famous professional physician in the world and Chinese master treatment method are unique and pure traditional because using a 4th generation secret family herbal in research 140 years ago. Chinese master come from a long line of family Chinese medical practitioners in Kuala Lumpur China town.
Someone who have bowel tumor don't be panic and sadness because Chinese master at KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia herbal and acupuncture have the best way and treatment to solve about cancer problem. Chinese herbal and acupuncture Treatment has been proven effective for cancer and it has taken many years of research before coming to present way of medication and result.The recovery rates depends on the grade, stages and types of cancer , the location cancer, the size of cancer,how long that cancer are happen and also age and patients general health. If you have any cancer symptoms you must come quickly to see Chinese master at KL Kuala Lumpur Malaysia to get more fasting in recovery.
“.... it’s not only about acupuncture, I also recommend herbs to complement the therapy and advise them on lifestyle changes,” said Leong Hong Tole, one of the well-known acupuncturist in Malaysia during an interview with THE STAR NEWSPAPER recently. |
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